Emergency Electrician
No Power ? No Lights ? Click to CALL NOW
25+ Years expierence
Fault finding specialist
Lifetime warranty on workmanship
Competitive Pricing

Swichboard Faults
Is your safety swith tripping and you have no or partial power?
Maybe you have a breaker down that wont turn on or a blown fuse?
What ever the reason, we have the equipment and expiereance to diagnose your fault and restore your power quickly and efficently.

No Lights or No power
Are all your breakers and safety switches on and still no power? You may have a broken or loose wire or faulty device. You may also have a issue with SAPN or metering equipment What ever the reason we can quickly diagnose the problem and liase with SAPN if there is a problem outside of what we can do. rest assured either way, you will have clairty and we will get you back on.

Cant cook or Shower?
With 25+ years at diagnosing cooking appliances we can come out , diagnose the fault and repair your stove, cooktop or oven fast and efficently .
We can also Repair and maintain any traditonal low pressure or mains pressure hotwater system fast and efficently . No one likes a cold shower right?